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What to see at NAB Show New York 2023

Registering for last year's show. Pic Courtesy: NAB Show New York
2 minute read
Registering for last year's show. Pic Courtesy: NAB Show New York

NAB returns to the Big Apple for NAB Show New York 2023, and there is a lot to see and do at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in Manhattan.

It’s 100 years since the first-ever NAB Show was held in New York in 1923, when 23 attendees from 16 US radio stations met at a hotel in New York City to discuss the many opportunities the exciting new wireless technology represented. The show moved around a fair bit in the decades afterwards — and has been in Vegas since 1991 — but in recent years, the NAB organisation has put a lot of effort into establishing NAB Show New York as a fall fixture on the global trade show calendar,

That work is paying off, too, despite the interruption of Covid. More than 50 out of a total of 275 companies at this year’s show are first-time exhibitors, showing its broad appeal to the broadcast and production sectors. There will be plenty of new products on show too, either being launched for the first time anywhere or making their North American debut. And the list of high-profile major brands to be found there includes a fairly stellar list that encompasses Avid, Fujifilm, B&H, Cisco, Blackmagic Design, Grass Valley, Signiant, Harmonic, LiveU, Panasonic Connect, Ross Video, Lawo, Evertz, Telestream, Perifery, Ikegami, Canon, Alteon,  Imagine Communications, Maxon and Matrox.

Also taking a leaf out of other tradeshows, NAB NYC has ramped up the amount of free sessions on the show floor that are free to all attendees, rather than gatekeeping them behind expensive conference passes. This year, that means the return of Cine+Live Lab, presented in partnership with AbelCine, which looks at the convergence of cinema technology and live broadcasting. Business and tech come together on the Tech Chat Stage, to explore what industry innovators are doing and how they are doing it. And new this year, and exclusive-to-NAB Show New York, is the Photo+Video Lab, designed for all who leverage a hybrid mix of equipment to capture and produce content.

Follow the links to find out more about each stream. But as an indication of what you can find there, Warren Eagles is doing a session on Color Accuracy: From On-Set to Post; there’s a chance to walk around the nearby Hudson Yards neighborhood with a loaner camera, model, lighting and a Fujifilm Tech Rep during the Fujifilm and Frame.io photo walks; and there’s an interesting discussion on LED Volumes vs Green Screen vs Practical – Which One is Best for My Project?. In other words, there’s a lot going on.

Passes? Yes, we should talk about that. Visitors can register here and it costs $59 for NAB members, $79 for non-members, and $59 for students/unwaged.

All in all, it’s an excellent-looking show, and we’ll be keeping tabs on it and all the news it generates when it gets underway October 25 next week.
