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The RedShark IBC Awards 2024: enter now - and for free!

Written by Matt Gregory | Aug 27, 2024 10:38:06 AM

We are pleased to announce that RedShark will be once again be presenting our Best in Show Awards at IBC2024 in Amsterdam. And, also once again, you don't have to pay to enter: just be the best at what you do.

We started our awards programme back in 2015 with a simple mission to award only the best products and services we saw at IBC that year. Covid slightly put the brakes on it all for a while, but we were back last year. You can have a look at the IBC2023 award winners here.

Our awards are dead simple. Good product = award and that's that. We don't charge a fee for entering the awards, we don't ask for essays detailing why your product should win, and we don't subdivide them into different categories (we also don't have a lavish award ceremony, but them's the breaks). We just choose six of the best things that we see at the show and give them an award. That's really all there is to it. 

Last year's winners were presented their awards by Dave Shapton. Clockwise from top left: Vizrt, Sony, Blackmagic, Atomos, Adobe, and ASUS...

How to enter

All we ask is that the product needs to be relevant; making its debut at IBC, being seen for the first time at IBC...all that sort of thing. Definitely no pay to play and advertisers have the same crack of the whip as anyone else. At the show we have a full team of Steve, Maari, Chris, David, Bas, and myself who will be nosing round the stands and looking at new products and demos, but RedShark Editor, Andy Stout, has the final decision on award winners. 

So, PRs/ marketing/ company founders reading this - hit us up in advance with anything you think we should be taking a look at. All NDAs will be honoured, but please be succinct and consider what RedShark readers want to hear about. Your deadline is before the show opens after which we'll make our judgement and, if all goes to plan, deliver the awards to the winners' stands on the Sunday of the show.

Email address is and please add 'IBC Awards' in the subject line so that we can separate the awards entires out from the flood of mails we tend to get this time of year. It can all get a bit busy, as I'm sure you're all too aware. Just get your entires in by September 12 and we'll take it from there.