How do you make sure you get the shot? [UPDATED] The live show has now taken place. If you missed it, you'll be able to see it on-demand soon. We'll let you know when it's up and ready.
I don't know if you've ever thought about this but there are two completely different ways we shoot scenes with cameras. One is where we have complete control over pretty much everything, and the other is where we absolutely don't.
The first way is typically when we're making a feature film or drama, and sometimes documentaries, where we're interviewing someone and we can redo the bits that don't work. In filmmaking, nothing is left to chance, and if a shot doesn't work, everybody present is there to make sure that it does. So you can absolutely ask them to "do it again" if you need to. You may even take multiple shots so that you can choose the best one later. We're going to call this way of shooting video "Making" video.
The second way is just about the opposite of the first, when nobody apart from you is concerned with getting the shot. You might be shooting a documentary, filming a live concert, gathering news in a war zone, or just happen to be in a place where something remarkable is happening, and through either good luck or your habit of having everything ready "just in case" you manage to get the shot of the century. We'll call this "Taking" video.
In real life, events that change the world are often unique. And if it's your job to capture them, you only get one chance.
So what do you do to maximise your chances of getting the shot? How can you prepare for the unexpected? What's the best approach to shooting something that's never going to happen again? And what kind of camera is best for this type of work?
On June 10th, Sony hosted a webinar (a live, streamed broadcast) to show you how to prepare for both the expected and unexpected. I hosted, hour-long show , and talking to a panel of guests who have based their careers around getting the right shot - often in difficult locations, and sometimes in extreme danger.
Our guests included Russ Malkin and Olly Lambert. Russ was the man behind adventure TV hits Long Way Down and Long Way Round, and is currently following blues soul singer Joss Stone on her Total World Tour. Olly is the multiple award-winning producer/director of Syria: Across the Lines and other hard-hitting news documentaries.
I really enjoyed hosting this It was a great discussion with our guests, who have the best qualification of all to talk about all of this: practical experience.
It will be available for viewing on-demand soon. We'll let you know when.
Hope to see you there!
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