RedShark News - Video technology news and analysis releases v2.0 of its cloud-based video collaboration platform

Written by RedShark News Staff | Apr 10, 2017 2:00:00 PM
With a re-engineered player and 100 tweaks and enhancements, v2 is a serious update

Two years after its initial release, v2.0 of the cloud-based video sharing and collaboration platform adds over 100 new features and improvements to the mix.

With some impressively innovative new features such as the new Review Pages, deeper workflow integration with FCP X and Medias Composer, plus a re-engineered player, 2.0 raises the stakes in what is becoming a crowded field as the industry stampedes towards virtualisation and the cloud.

The company says there are over 100 new features and improvements to the platform, but the headline definitely belongs to Review Pages, which gives clients the same configurable commenting powers as collaborators without exposure to the full editing interface.

In many ways this is the non-linear editing version of Slack or any of those other collaborative workflow tools out there. The idea is that it consolidates feedback into the single package rather than seeing people have to shuffle through a disparate morass of email folders, Skype messages, dropbox files and the like to find out what it was exactly the client wanted with the thirteenth revision.

The 2.0 Player page had been overhauled. New “comment heads” allow artists to visually see who left a comment and where, so they can easily and quickly find and prioritise feedback on any given project. Users can also preview the next comment, allowing them to fully grasp feedback, saving them time when one comment affects another.

A new looping feature lets users watch the same short clip on loop, allowing them to finesse it just so, while the dashboard features a new collaborator panel, a project search bar, breadcrumb navigation bar, a new list view option with mini-scrub, and plenty more.

Other tweaks include improved ability to export and import comments and annotations into Final Cut Pro X and Avid Media Composer via the desktop companion app, the ability to export a variety of information in a variety of formats, and a SMPTE-compliant source timecode display that works with both non-drop and drop frame timecode.

Have a look at the videos below, which provide in turn a general overview of the new features of v2 and a concentration on the Review Pages feature