RedShark News - Video technology news and analysis adds Adobe Lightroom integration

Written by Andy Stout | Aug 20, 2024 12:00:00 PM’s new integration with Adobe Lightroom should further speed up Camera-to-Cloud workflows. started moving into photography workflows in 2022 following an initial partnership with Fujifillm to put Camera to Cloud integrations into the manufacturer’s X-H2 and X-H2s cameras. Since then that has expanded to cover 11 different native integrations, including Panasonic LUMIX, and now a new beta release of the v4 beta adds integration with Adobe Lightroom.

This was all announced in a new blog post. ’“By introducing a direct connection with Lightroom through, photographers can now instantly access their images, edit them, and deliver them,” it says. “There are no tethers required and no need to remove and download camera cards.”

Once a Camera to Cloud-enabled camera is connected to, all that’s required is for the photographer or editor to click “Connect to Lightroom” within their project, where they’ll be prompted to log in with their Adobe ID. Following that, photographers can choose to either automatically send all files uploaded via C2C into their Lightroom account or make selects in and send their selected shots into Lightroom for editing. 

It’s a speedy workflow, that being the whole point. Editors can access the images no matter where they’re located, in real time, and once the images have been retouched or edited they can upload them back into for delivery or distribution.

And, of course, for backup too. By lobbing all your pictures into the cloud you don’t have to worry about making copies while out on a shoot unless you have the absolute time to do so.

The new to Lightroom connection requires a C2C-enabled camera from Fujifilm or Panasonic LUMIX, as well as a Version 4 beta account.




  • has introduced a new integration with Adobe Lightroom for Camera-to-Cloud workflows.
  • This integration allows photographers to instantly access, edit, and deliver images without the need for tethers or camera cards.
  • Photographers can either automatically send all C2C-uploaded files to their Lightroom account or make selects in and transfer chosen shots to Lightroom for editing.
  • The integration aims to provide a speedy workflow, enabling real-time access to images and seamless uploading of edited images back into for delivery or distribution.