The last of our videos shot with Adobe on its stand at IBC looks at some of the rather excellent new features in After Effects.
Victoria Nece is After Effects Product Manager at Adobe and she had a lot of new features to demonstrate on the IBC show floor.
“We've been able to bring in 3D models as a new thing for the past year or so. But you want to do more than just turn a model around in space, and so the fun thing about this model is it actually has embedded animation built into it,” she says working with a 3D model of a smartphone and case.
“Right now it's going to unfold into a stand," she continues. "I could have it fold from open to close. You can see, I get this really fast response to feedback here. I can switch these out, and I can also smoothly re-time this, because unlike a video, this is actually using the embedded animation data built into this GLB model. And so if I hold down the Option key, I can time stretch this to 30 seconds. I can make this a super, super slow fold, and it's going to smoothly re-time. You don't see any of the steppiness you might see with a video, you're instead seeing this really soft motion.”
It reads intriguing and it looks better on video. Watch below.