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Blackmagic Camera app v1.4 released

1 minute read

The Blackmagic Camera app was updated to v1.4 over the weekend.

The popular Blackmagic Camera app was updated to v1.4 a few days ago, and adds the usual mix of new features and bug squashing efforts. Here's everything that's new, with efforts made to fit it better into Blackmagic-oriented workflows, off-speed video clip record support, and the potentially useful ability to dim the screen when recording...

• Support for Blackmagic Cloud organizations.
• Support for recording off-speed video clips.
• Support for enabling frame guide, safe area and other options on HDMI output.
• Support for 2.76:1 frame guide overlay.
• Swipe right to dim screen when recording.
• Ability to customize grid overlay opacity.
• Addressed issue where audio input source could automatically be reset to None in some cases.
• Addressed incorrect image preview when anamorphic de-squeeze option is enabled.

As ever it's a free download and available from the App Store here

Tags: Production Featured Blackmagic Design mobile filmmaking
