A dedicated battery designed from the ground up for cinematography, Anton/Bauer’s EDEN battery means productions don’t have to lean on general outdoor gear anymore.
Built to deliver dependable grid power on demand pretty much anywhere where it’s needed, EDEN is a 2.5kWh mobile power station designed with an IP65-rated rugged, dustproof, and waterproof build, to provide reliable AC and DC power anywhere and everywhere.
First previewed at IBC back in September, the circa $3500 unit features rapid four-hour recharging, AC and DC output options, and silent operation to ensure that devices stay powered and there are no interruptions to power or otherwise.
Boasting two AC outlets and four USB-C ports, EDEN should keep all essential devices running smoothly off-grid, characterised neatly by Anton/Bauer as “from lights and cameras to craft and catering.” It's lightweight at 2.9 kg (3.69 lb), has some obviously useful carry handles, and, practical handles, and a 3.3-in color screen to provide real-time diagnostics.
Units can be daisy chained together to provide sequentially discharged power without interruption.
Key features
- Capacity: 2500 Wh
- Chemistry:
- Lithium-ion
- Width: 9.17 in / 23.3 cm
- Height: 18.35 in / 46.6 cm
- Depth: 20.91 in / 53.1 cm
- Weight: 6.39 lb / 2.9 kg
- Warranty: 2 years
- LCD Display: Yes
- Charge Time: <4 Hours
- Solar DC Input: XT90 plug Nominal 36V, Max 500W
- AC Input: 100~250VAC, 50-60 Hz
- AC Regulated Output: 2 X 230VAC, 50Hz Pure Sine Wave
- DC Regulated Output: DC Regulated Output
- Operating Temperature: 14 °F to 140 °F / -10°C to 60°C
- Charging Temperature: 32 °F to 140 °F / 0°C to 60°C
- Plug: US
- IP Rating: IP-65 rated (with included sleeves)
Tags: Production batteries Anton/Bauer